Hidden Dimensions

Flash Games and Embed Code

Flash Games and Embed Code
Hidden Dimensions -Collectible Card Game in a sci-fi setting. Launch ships & structures to protect your base and defeat the opponent. Unlock achievements to gain access to up to 9 different sets of cards for a total of 230 different cards.
Instructions: Tutorial and additional instructions included in-game. In short : you control a baseship, capable of launching ships, deploying structures and performing actions. These are all represented by cards. Structures are your main source of energy, this energy can be used to launch ships or perform actions. Ships serve both to defend your base from hostile ships or to attack your opponent’s base. Actions provide all kinds of ways to defend or attack. You can build your own decks, use the premade decks or use the random deck generator for endless possibilities. Once on the combat screen, cards in your hand can be played (provided you have enough energy) simply by clicking them and then clicking the location where you want the ship or structure to go. In a similar way you choose targets for actions : first click the action in your hand to perform it, then choose a target if the action requires one.

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