Online Action Games
Play Online Action Games Free of charge on
City Of Zombies And Ninja
Pee Man The Game

Flash Games and Embed Code
Instructions: A: Pee Arrow Keys/Movement
Ray Ardent Science Ninja

Flash Games and Embed Code
Instructions: GAMEPLAY Move – Arrow Keys or ‘A’ and ‘D’ Jump – Up Arrow or Space Bar Slide or Duck – Down Arrow or ‘S’ Ability X – ‘X’ or ‘B’ OTHER CONTROLS Pause – ‘P’ Restart Level – ‘R’ Return to Menu – ‘T’ Volume Controls – ‘+’ and ‘-‘
Thing Thing Arena 3

Flash Games and Embed Code
Instructions: Walk: A/D or Left/Right Run: Shift Jump: W or Up Arrow Double-Jump: W or Up Arrow in mid-air Back flip: W or Up while moving backwards Change Weapons: E or Num0 Aim/Shoot: Mouse
Drop Dead 2
Flash Games and Embed Code
Instructions: Use mouse to throw around the ragdolls and other loose objects. Damage the dolls to get points, and unlock new stuff with high total score in normal mode. Press space to jump.
Ghost vs. Zombies

Flash Games and Embed Code
Instructions: Use arrow keys to move the ghost.
Shinobi-Kun Hacked

Flash Games and Embed Code
Instructions: Enjoy
Cube Me: I Am a Transformer

Flash Games and Embed Code

Flash Games and Embed Code
Instructions: Arrow keys to move, A key performs actions.